


Hatsumode in Asakusa

  • Category:Festival


Spend a Japanese-style New Year in the heart of Tokyo

Venue: Sensoji Temple When: Jan 1st - Jan 3rd 2020 , 12:00am - 11:59pm
The first visit to the shrine or temple in the new year is called Hatsumode, and it attracts quite some crowds every year, and I think it is a great way to start a new year in Japanese-style.

Fireworks are the standard celebrations in many cities in the world, but in Japan it is mostly a cultural setting at a temple like the one in Asakusa, Senso-ji Temple, where the year begins with offering prayers for a prosperous year ahead.

Warm crowds in the cold night of December 31, this is a unique experience to spend the early morning time of the new year.

And don't forget your etiquette!


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Find out more about Sensoji Temple

By Manish Prabhune

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