


No Issues with Japan over India Shinkansen Project

  • Category:Other

Indian Ambassador to Japan Sibi George has said there are absolutely no issues with Japan over a high-speed railway project using Shinkansen-style bullet trains currently underway in western India.

In the project, Tokyo hopes to introduce a Japanese-style railway signal system and train cars, while the Indian side has begun to say it wants to use domestically produced train cars.

During an interview with Jiji Press in Tokyo on Tuesday, the ambassador said that India considers Japan "a very important partner" in the railway sector, showing expectations for support for renewing over 60,000 kilometers of existing lines in India.

"If there are any...difficulties, (these) will be addressed through discussions," George said. "So there is absolutely no worry, no concern."

He sounded confident about the high-speed railway project, saying, "We will have a train running by 2027."

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