


Japan Railway Firm Tokyu Sets Up Telework Space Inside Vintage Train Cars

  • Category:Other
Tokyu Corp. has opened shared office spaces for teleworkers inside the retro train cars on display at the Train & Bus Museum in Kawasaki, the museum the company operates.

Users of the service can work in such exhibits as a vintage train car that ran in Japan in the early 20th century and the YS-11, the first passenger plane made domestically after World War II.

The company refurbished the inside of the exhibits as well as set up Wi-Fi. For ¥200 an hour, or ¥1,000 a day, teleworkers can use one of 29 seats available.

Even though working from home has become more common amid the coronavirus pandemic, there is a lack of shared office spaces in the surrounding residential areas. The company expects the service will be used by everyone, not just train fans.

It is an interesting way for the railway company to make use of its museum, which is not fully functioning amid the pandemic. Tokyu hopes the revenue from teleworkers will make up for the slump in passengers it is currently experiencing.

Tokyu has also converted the rooms where commuter passes were sold at Musashi-Kosugi Station in Kawasaki and Nagatsuta Station in Yokohama into shared offices, as both were seeing a decline in customers buying a commuter pass.

“We want to provide services that meet the demands of residents who live along our lines,” a company official said.


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