


Nissan Shares Plunge After Profit Warning

  • Category:Other
Nissan tumbled more than 10 percent on Thursday after the Japanese automaker issued a profit warning, citing "intense sales competition", especially in the United States.
The company and its domestic rivals are also struggling to stand their ground in China's market as fast-growing ...


Nippon Steel To Dissolve Joint Venture With China's Baoshan

  • Category:Other
Nippon Steel will dissolve its joint venture with China's Baoshan Iron & Steel, it said on Tuesday, ending two decades of cooperation when their existing shareholders' agreement expires at the end of August.
Nippon Steel will transfer its 50% stake in the joint venture to Baoshan, i...


Japan, U.S., South Korea Top Uniformed Officers Vow To Boost Cooperation

  • Category:Other
The top uniformed officers of Japan, the United States and South Korea on Thursday pledged to keep boosting trilateral cooperation to achieve regional and global peace amid growing security challenges posed by China and North Korea.
Gen. Yoshihide Yoshida, chief of the Japanese Defen...


More Than 40% Of Japanese Companies Have No Plan To Make Use Of AI

  • Category:Other
Nearly a quarter of Japanese companies have adopted artificial intelligence (AI) in their businesses, while more than 40% have no plan to make use of the cutting-edge technology, a Reuters survey showed on Thursday.
The survey, conducted for Reuters by Nikkei Research, pitched a range o...


Japan To Boost Jet Fuel Production And Imports Amid Tourism Boom

  • Category:Other
Japan plans to increase jet fuel production and imports to address a pick-up in demand from flights amid a boom in tourism, according to a draft government plan presented on Tuesday.
The initiative aims to tackle a recent jet fuel shortage affecting commercial flights, which has hin...


Kansai Airports to Add Slots, Flight Paths for Expo; Steps Taken to Limit Additional Noise for Residents

  • Category:Other
Kansai municipalities and other stakeholders agreed on Monday to increase takeoff and landing slots at Kansai International Airport by introducing new flight paths over Awaji Island.
Ahead of the 2025 Osaka-Kansai Expo, a council comprising municipalities and business stakeholders ha...


Yen Pops Higher, Sparking Suspicions Of Japan Intervention

  • Category:Other
The yen jumped briefly against the dollar on Friday (Jul 12), putting traders on alert for signs of fresh intervention by Japanese authorities, who likely stepped in the previous day to prop up a currency still close to its lowest in 38 years.
The dollar fell as much as 1 per cent to a one-...


Disney To Add New Ship In Tokyo To Expanding Cruise Business

  • Category:Other
Walt Disney unveiled plans on Tuesday to launch a new cruise ship that will set sail from Tokyo starting in fiscal 2028, adding a ninth vessel to the brand's growing fleet.
The new ship, to be modelled after the Wish that is the largest vessel in the group, is a partnership with Orienta...


Japan Real Wages Down 1.4% In May, 26th Monthly Fall Despite Hikes

  • Category:Other
Japan's real wages in May fell 1.4 percent from a year earlier, declining for a record 26th straight month, as the sharpest base wage growth in 31 years was offset by inflation, government figures showed Monday.
The drop in May was larger than a revised 1.2 percent fall in April, wi...


Gacha Capsule Toy Business Booms In Japan, With Sights Set Abroad

  • Category:Other
Japan's capsule toy industry has come a long way from the corner of the supermarket, as it enjoys a new boom at home that is spurring multiple market players to set their sights on overseas expansion.
It follows the industry's massive growth in the years around the pandemic, as spec...


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