


Seven-Eleven starts duty-free service for foreign travelers

  • Category:Other
Seven-Eleven Japan Co. on Monday started exempting foreign visitors from paying consumption tax at two of its shops, becoming the first convenience store operator in Japan to launch the service to attract more foreign travelers.
The service was launched at Seven-Eleven stores in Tokyo's Asakusa district and Kyoto's Ukyo Ward, both popular tourist spots. The company will further expand the tax-free shops in areas that draw large numbers of tourists from abroad.
The move follows the expansion of duty-free items on Oct. 1. Some department stores and supermarkets have exempted foreign visitors from paying the 8 percent sales tax on items including electric appliances, clothing, food, beverages, cosmetics and medicines.
At the Seven-Eleven stores, foreign customers can buy designated items duty-free if they put them in a special basket and show their passports at a counter newly established for tax-free goods.
The convenience store operator has installed guidebooks on duty-free shopping in English, Chinese and Thai.

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