


Nissan's Ghosn Was Paid Y1.1 Billion in FY 2016

  • Category:Other
TOKYO - Nissan Motor Co Chairman Carlos Ghosn was paid 1.10 billion yen in fiscal 2016, the largest remuneration package handed out since the automaker began disclosing such payments, the company said Tuesday.

His package, exceeding the 1 billion yen mark for the third straight year and 27 million yen more than he was paid in the last fiscal year ending March, apparently reflects Nissan's solid financial results and performance.

Japan's second-largest automaker by volume logged a record group net profit of 663.50 billion yen in fiscal 2016, up 26.7% from a year earlier, boosted by the sale of its stake in automotive component supplier Calsonic Kansei Corp.

Ghosn said at an annual shareholders' meeting in Yokohama on Tuesday that the size of Nissan's executive payments is determined in line with other multinational corporations, including global automakers.


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