


Line Pay Customer Information Made Public Accidentally

  • Category:Other

About 130,000 pieces of information about customers of Line Pay online payment service in Japan had been accidentally made public on the internet, its parent, Line Corp., said Monday.

The information did not include the names of customers, phone numbers and bank accounts, but in some cases, customers could be identified through analysis, the Japanese messaging app operator said.

No misuse of the information has been confirmed, Line said.
The information was related to customers who took part in a Line Pay promotion campaign between Dec. 26, 2020, and April 2 this year.

Of the total, about 50,000 pieces were about customers in Japan and included payment dates and amounts.

Line Pay Corp., which operates the payment service, said that an employee at an affiliated company in September this year accidentally uploaded the information on the GitHub code sharing site.

The pieces of information were deleted on Nov. 24, but 11 cases of outside access had been confirmed, Line Pay said.

Line issued an apology. Line Pay was hit by a glitch last month that caused double charging to some customers.

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