


Mitsubishi Shows Off Test Flights of New Jet

  • Category:Other
MOSES LAKE, Wash. — Mitsubishi Aircraft Corp. opened to the media for the first time its test flight of the Mitsubishi Regional Jet (MRJ), Japan’s first domestically produced passenger jet, at its flight test center in Moses Lake in Washington state.

The company also plans for the MRJ to take part in a flying display for the first time during the Farnborough International Airshow in Britain this July.

Delivery of the MRJ has so far been postponed five times because of significant delays in development with design changes among the reasons. The current plan is to make delivery in 2020. Mitsubishi Aircraft has thus been conducting test flights in Moses Lake using four MRJs.

In the test flight on Wednesday, the MRJ flew in a circular pattern and tilted its body left and right.

Alex Bellamy, the chief development officer of the MRJ, said that more than 50 percent of necessary flight testing has already been completed.

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