


Fuji Heavy Industries Changes Name to Subaru Corp

  • Category:Event

TOKYO — Fuji Heavy Industries Ltd on Saturday changed its company name to Subaru Corp, the brand of its most popular line of cars.

The name change comes as the company marks the 100th anniversary of its founding.

Ceremonies were held Friday for employees at the company’s head office in Ebisu, Tokyo and three other domestic facilities.

The all-new Impreza launched in Japan in October 2016 and a large-scale model of the advanced variant of the 412EPI helicopter were displayed at the head office ceremony to symbolize Subaru’s contribution to the automotive and aerospace industries.

Company president and CEO Yasuyuki Yoshinaga commented, “We have long strived to make excellent products. In recent years, our effort has been expanded from making good products to delivering distinctive value which only Subaru can bring to customers. This change in company name declares Subaru’s determination to thrive as a brand that delivers value. When customers are satisfied, we see happy faces. We want to encourage even more smiles and create even more Subaru fans. Together with the new company name, let’s all make the Subaru team shine brighter.”

Fuji Heavy was established in 1917 to make aircraft engines. Its first car,
the Subaru 360 minicar, was manufactured in 1958.

Global vehicle sales topped 1 million for the first time last year, with more than 60% of that coming in North America where the company has a plant in Indiana.  

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