


Abe, Putin Eye ‘Economic Activities’ / ‘Special System’ to be Crafted for N. Territories

  • Category:Other
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and visiting Russian President Vladimir Putin wrapped up a two-day meeting on Friday afternoon, but closely watched talks on the territorial issue between their nations appeared to make little progress.

“We agreed to start negotiations on a ‘special system’ to conduct ‘joint economic activities’ on the four islands [of the northern territories],” Abe said during a joint press conference held at the Prime Minister’s Official Residence in Tokyo after the talks on Friday. “These joint economic activities will be carried out based on a common recognition that they do not violate positions taken by Japan and Russia on an issue over a peace treaty. This is an important step toward the conclusion of a peace treaty.

“Without mutual trust between the people of Japan and Russia ... we won’t be able to reach the goal — the conclusion of a peace treaty.”
Putin said allegations that Russia wants to first promote economic cooperation with Japan and put a peace treaty on the back burner are not true. He stressed that the most important thing is the conclusion of the treaty.

After the talks on Friday, the two leaders issued a document stating that the envisaged “joint economic activities” on the four islands will be based on a “special system” and will not violate the two countries’ sovereignty.
The document also said “joint economic activities” are an “important step” that will lead to the conclusion of a peace treaty, which entails the settlement of the territorial issue. It also incorporated the two leaders’ resolve to aim at concluding the treaty.

With regard to the “special system,” Abe told the press on Thursday night after talks with Putin with only interpreters attending, “We had candid and very deep discussions on ‘joint economic activities’ on the four islands under a ‘special system’ and issues over a peace treaty.” Abe, however, did not clearly refer to the longstanding territorial issue.

Thursday’s talks were held in a hot spring ryokan inn in the city of Nagato, Yamaguchi Prefecture, which is Abe’s home turf.

Regarding “joint economic activities,” the Japanese government has been calling for a “mechanism,” which does not undermine Japan’s legal stance on the northern territories. The decision to incorporate in the document the expression “will not violate the two countries’ sovereignty” is in line with Japan’s assertion. It will be a task for both nations’ working-level officials to craft this “special system” in detail.

On Thursday, Russian presidential aide Yuri Ushakov said the “joint economic activities … will be basically on the basis of Russian laws.”
A senior Japanese government official said, “The system won’t be something that ignores Russian laws, but exemptions or others will be created in accordance with Japanese laws.”

Ushakov also said “joint economic activities” will encompass fields such as fishery, aqua farming, tourism and medical services.

Foreign and other relevant ministries of the two countries will soon start working-level negotiations on taxation for “joint economic activities” on the northern territories as well as on how to deal with troubles involving Japanese citizens. A senior Japanese Foreign Ministry official said, “Possible situations are wide-ranging and there are a large amount of laws and regulations that need to be discussed.”

The negotiations may take a long time. Talks at the Joint Economic Activities Committee, which was set up by the two governments in 1998, came to a standstill due to disagreements on specific items.

The two leaders also issued another document related to the improvement of convenience for former residents’ visits to the four islands. They also released a document related to economic cooperation in the Russian Far East.

In Thursday’s talks, the two leaders agreed to the importance of dialogues in the area of security. It seems to have in mind a resumption of the Japan-Russia Foreign and Defense Ministers Meeting, which was held just once in November 2013.

They also agreed on the necessity to pressure North Korea, which has been developing nuclear weapons and missiles. On the issues of Syria and Ukraine, Abe called for Russia to play a constructive role. Putin expressed concern over a U.S. missile defense system.Speech


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