


Japan Agents Introduce New Off-Season Offerings To Attract Inbound Visitors

  • Category:Other

Agents are preparing new products for Japan’s off season (December to February) to maximise on the rapid recovery of the country’s inbound tourism market and ease operational challenges caused by extremes of high and low numbers of visitors throughout the year.

In addition to promoting snow sports, which the Japan Tourism Agency has named a “key tourism activity” that can increase spending and time spent in regional areas, tourism stakeholders are developing other outdoor activities and experiences.

DMC Discova is creating new sake brewery tours and local food excursions for winter in Shinkansen-accessible snow destinations such as Nagano and Niigata prefectures.

“As Japan’s inbound tourism business has been densely populated in the peak cherry blossom and fall foliage seasons, it has been causing some operational burdens for our partner agencies and internal operations.

Discova Japan is trying to spread demand throughout the four seasons by developing and providing low season products,” said Olivia Yeji Jeung, country manager, Japan for Discova.

The company is “expecting a new product line-up for winter to bridge until next year’s cherry blossoms pop up”, she said, adding that “diversification in areas and activities is the key to success for 2024 and even upcoming 2025”.

Meanwhile, Tokyo Convention & Visitors Bureau is inviting inbound travellers to “venture beyond the city to the resort area of eternal springtime” on the Izu archipelago, which is part of Tokyo but typically enjoys temperature of 12-14 degrees Celsius from December to February.

Rakuten Travel Experiences is offering two experiences on Kozushima island – stargazing with a high-tech telescope and hiking on Mount Tenjo.


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