


Japanese Foreign Minister Retracts Controversial Childbirth Remark

  • Category:Other

Japanese Foreign Minister Yoko Kamikawa on Sunday retracted her remarks the previous day about the importance of women giving birth, saying her choice of words was liable to cause misunderstanding.

In a campaign speech in support of a Shizuoka gubernatorial election candidate backed by the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, Kamikawa questioned the worth of women who do not give birth.

She asked constituents how "we women can call ourselves women without giving birth," equating the importance of childbirth to electing a new governor.

"I sincerely accept the view that my words could cause my true intention to be misunderstood so I retract them," Kamikawa told reporters, adding she meant to ask female voters to exercise their power.

Kamikawa, who represents a Shizuoka constituency as a House of Representatives member and is known for known for her efforts to further gender equality, was criticized by Osaka Seiji, executive deputy president of the main opposition Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, calling her remarks insensitive.


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