


Frozen Mackerel Can Be Grilled, Steamed, Simmered; Chef Shares Recipe Using Seafood Favorite

  • Category:Gourmet

Frozen mackerel is a popular ingredient because it can be used easily in a variety of dishes, not to mention simple grilling.

The Finance Ministry’s trade statistics showed about 77,200 tons of frozen mackerel were imported in 2023, up 14,800 tons from the previous year. About 70% comes from Norway, followed by the United Kingdom and Ireland. Some has already been deboned or salted.

“It’s convenient to cook, free from a peculiar flavor and has a robust taste,” said Yasuyuki Nomoto, a sushi chef and cook, who shared two frozen salted mackerel recipes: seasoned rice and acqua pazza.

For seasoned rice, Nomoto used ginger and konegi green onions as condiments to soften the oily dish.

Thawing the fish before cooking will result in it losing its taste. Nomoto dumped the frozen mackerel into a rice cooker. If the fish is too big to fit, thaw lightly and cut it into smaller pieces.

He recommends a dashi broth made from bonito and kombu or commercially produced stock granules.

Make sure to remove the bones — if you find any — before mixing it with the rice. The fluffy mackerel and the dashi-soaked rice go well together and are appetizing. You can cook the rice with mushrooms and other ingredients, too.

For the acqua pazza, frozen mackerel is used, again without thawing. The cherry tomatoes in the recipe can be replaced with regular cut tomatoes.

White wine can be used instead of sake to make a more Western-style dish. The fish fat is mixed moderately in the soup, and the leftovers can make a good pasta sauce.

“Grilling is fine, but [mackerel] is also good steamed or simmered,” Nomoto said. “Please try cooking the fish in various ways.”

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