


Tokyo’s Asakusa Hanayashiki Amusement Park Holds Yoshiokubo’s Show as Part of Tokyo Fashion Week

  • Category:Park
A fashion show featuring Japanese brand Yoshiokubo was held at Asakusa Hanayashiki amusement park in Taito Ward, Tokyo.

The event, which took place after the park had closed at night, was part of the Tokyo Collection, one of the main events of Rakuten Fashion Week Tokyo.

It was the first time that a full-scale fashion show had been held at the amusement part, which has a history of more than 170 years dating back to its opening at the end of the Edo period (1603-1867).

“I wanted to show something that no one had ever seen before,” said designer Yoshio Kubo. “I think the show has a new style and everyone can enjoy it.”

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