


Japan Post Conducts Robot Parcel Deliveries In Apartment Complex

  • Category:Other

Japan Post Holdings Co. is conducting trials using a robot to deliver packages to customers living in a condominium, in a bid to implement such deliveries within three years.

Behind the move are efforts to lower costs and reduce burdens on delivery staff.

Trials have been conducted since February at a condominium in Narashino, Chiba Prefecture, and Japan Post Holdings held a press viewing on March 23.

The robot is 76 centimeters tall and can carry packages weighing up to 10 kilograms.

The robot can deliver parcels based on a map stored in its memory. When making deliveries in apartment buildings, the robot can connect to the complex’s computer network to access elevators.

Customers receive a notification on their smartphone when the robot is at their front door and can access the package after a lid opens.

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