


Japanese Lawmakers Planning To Visit Taiwan Next Week

  • Category:Event



A group of Japanese lawmakers is planning to visit Taiwan next week to discuss security issues.

The group includes former Liberal Democratic Party Secretary-General Ishiba Shigeru, former defense minister Hamada Yasukazu, Democratic Party for the People deputy leader Maehara Seiji and Watanabe Shu of the Constitutional Democratic Party.

They are members of a group of lawmakers from both the ruling and opposition blocs who take an interest in security affairs.

They plan to visit Taiwan starting July 27 to meet officials there and discuss ways to enhance ties between Japan and Taiwan, as well as possible responses to a contingency involving Taiwan.

The Japanese lawmakers are also trying to arrange a meeting with President Tsai Ing-wen.

They are apparently aiming to reassure Taiwanese officials that their commitment to relations with Taiwan will not change following the death of former Japanese Prime Minister Abe Shinzo, who was keen on promoting friendship with Taiwan.

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