


Nobel winner Nakamura meets Obama

  • Category:Other
Picture by The Japan Times

WASHINGTON (Jiji Press) — Shuji Nakamura, winner of the 2014 Nobel Prize in Physics, met with U.S. President Barack Obama on Monday together with three other American Nobel laureates this year.
According to Nakamura, professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara, Obama told him that although he is not well versed in science, he knows of the light-emitting diode which Nakamura has been working on. “I was very happy,” said Nakamura, who won the prestigious prize for inventing the blue LED.
Obama laughed when Nakamura said in the meeting that the president knows of the LED apparently because there is common ground between both its energy-saving feature and Obama’s policy to promote eco-friendly technologies, according to Nakamura.
Nakamura, a native of Japan, has acquired U.S. citizenship.

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