


Tech Japan’s CEO Naotaka Nishiyama Moves To Bengaluru, Says ‘Will Make Positive Impact On World From India’

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Tech Japan founder Naotaka Nishiyama, in a post on LinkedIn, said that he is relocating to India and this is a "definitely big new chapter" of his life.

In a post, he said, “The time has finally come. I’m relocating to India and I’m going to start living in Bengaluru tomorrow. I have been visiting in India for almost 10 years, but this is the first time for me to “actually live" there. This is a definitely big new chapter in my life."

Nishiyama noted, “Many Japanese and other foreign business people understand the importance of doing business in India, but they do not actually live in India. I decided that it is important for me, as the founder CEO, to actually live in India and make a commitment, rather than sending someone else."

"Not just be a business traveler, but I will live with the local people and build the business together with them. I will gather the wonderful people in India, build a team in India, and make a positive impact on the world from India. When I start thinking about it, I can't stop being excited with anticipation and hope. The spice of anxiety, although only a little, is also a good feeling.

He stated, "In Japan, People teach their children, “Don't bother people!" In India, on the other hand, I have heard that it is taught, “You are living by bothering others, so you should forgive them too." I like this idea. I would probably cause the same kind of trouble for people. I will live my life with the help of Indian people. And most of all I would like to be able to help many Indian people too. Hope India accepts and welcome me. Hello India/Bharat."

As of writing this piece, the post has garnered 1,913 reactions, 362 comments, and 11 reposts.

A user Edo Naito commented, “I began traveling regularly to India 30 years ago. Flying into then Bombay Airport in the monsoon season landing at 2am and then driving thru the then mostly but never deserted streets of Bombay to the Taj - the sights, smells, and sounds - sensual overload - hundreds of visits then and I have seen the extraordinary transformation that has occurred, that a great many said would never happen, but those first impressions will never leave me.

But you are doing something that I never had a chance to do - live there so treasure it all as you are watching a country evolving at a speed that is quite remarkable. (And I saw CCP China in those early days of their opening when it could not even build an expressway, something that in 1995 some said India would never be able to do, so I have a basis for comparison.) Enjoy this."

“Most welcome to India Naotaka Nishiyama san. I hope India offers you some of the best years of your life, endless happy memories and lots of success," wrote another user Vidushi Bhardwaj.

Prior to establishing Tech Japan in 2019, a platform focused on facilitating collaboration between Indian talents and Japanese tech companies, Nishiyama founded a non-profit organization called giv.

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