


Tokyo Moves To Step 2 In Virus Recovery Plan

  • Category:Other
The Tokyo metropolitan government has further eased restrictions on businesses as the daily number of new coronavirus cases has fallen from its peak.

Tokyo initiated step 2 in its coronavirus recovery road map on Monday. That allows cram schools, theaters, gyms and retail shops -- including department stores -- to reopen.

Five new cases were confirmed in Japan's capital on Sunday. It was the first time in six days that the number of new cases was below 10.

The metropolitan government plans to relax restrictions in phases at two-week intervals, while evaluating the extent of the infection. It may move to the next step earlier than planned if the number of infections remains low.

Officials also plan to issue a "Tokyo alert" to urge people to exercise vigilance if there is a resurgence in cases.

They are watching the situation closely before deciding to move to step 3, which includes reopening karaoke parlors and bars.

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