


Track Top Tokyo Has Food, film, and Asia’s First Wooden Banked Cycling Track

  • Category:Experience
Track Top Tokyo opens in a waterfront warehouse in Shinagawa this weekend, featuring art, bike racing, film screenings and more.

Open from August 27th to August 28th, it is the Asia’s first portable wooden banked track. The miniature velodrome offers a 50-meter loop for visiting cyclists to try, while other highlights over the two days include a screening of the sports documentary Personal Gold. Music will be provided by DJs and stalls will offer bike gear, food, drink and other items appropriate to “Tokyo cycling culture”.

Like elsewhere, cycling culture in Tokyo comes with all the trappings of hipsterdom: third-wave coffee, fashion, alternative food choices, LP records. For an illustrative example, take a look at Tweed Run Tokyo or the visit the tony haven of Kinfolk Lounge in Nakameguro. Track Top Tokyo would seem to be intended for this burgeoning demographic in the city.

A one-day ticket costs ¥2,000.

With the 2016 Rio Olympic Games over (including a record haul of medal’s for the Japan team), the countdown to the 2020 Tokyo Olympics begins in earnest. We can expect to see more of these kinds of sports initiatives appearing in the city.

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