


83% of Japanese High Schoolers Use Social Networking Services

  • Category:Other


About 83 per cent of Japanese high school students use social networking services such as LINE, Twitter and Facebook, according to a government institution’s survey on high school students in Japan, the Untied States, China and South Korea. The figure of Japanese was the highest among the four countries.

The rate of Japanese students with more than 50 online friends that they have never met in the real life stood at 11.3 per cent, compared to 21.3 per cent of Americans and 12.3 per cent of Chinese.

The result illustrates Japanese students tend to associate with their real-world friends in the social networking services.

The survey by The National Institution For Youth Education was conducted last year for about 7,760 students in the four countries. In the annual survey, the institution asked about Internet usage for the first time.


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